
时间:2024-05-20 日记 我要投稿





  Dear Mr Smith,I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school. You are right。 Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building. On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building-our library. In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. The playground is now in front of the school. We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school.

  I hope you come and see for yourself someBest wishes,


  May 20th Wednesday Cloudy and drizzle

  Yesterday my classmates and I went to on a picnic。 According to our plan we would climb the West Mountain。

  Early in the morning all of us gathered at the gate of our school, we started of at seven, soon it began to have a little rain。 We kept on riding for an hour till we reached the foot of the mountain。

  The little rain stopped then。 We began to climb。 Soon we reached the top of the mountain。 How beautiful it was when we looked at the view from the top。 We ran。 sang, jump, played chess, and had the pictures taken on the top of the mountain。 and had lunch on the rocks。 How happy we were!

  After the lunch we went down the mountain。 We got home at four, all of us almost gave out。


  5月20日 星期三 多云细雨






  Today is the most happy and unforgettable day of my life. Do you want to know why? Because today is the first time I've seen snow in my life. You may say, "what's strange about this?" I often see snow! " I'm not like my home in the south. It's hard to see a snow!

  When I had just finished my homework in the classroom, I heard some boys say, "it's snowing!" It's snowing! Come on! " I began to not believe, "hum! Deception! " I said. When I saw my classmates screaming, I couldn't help going out. When I saw the snow, I jumped up with joy. The teacher said, "go down and watch it!" The students ran down like a swarm of bees. After going down, I saw a lot of students gathered on the playground, and they cheered, and I could not help cheering!

  When there was a lot of snow in the flower bed, the students ran away as if they were very afraid to see no snow and no snow. Some of my classmates and I ran along, and cheered as they ran. When I saw a lot of snow on the side of the table table, the students ran to the table table. I picked up a small piece of snow in the flower bed, and shouted to several good classmates, so that they could come over, but they didn't hear it. So I had to put snow in my palm and look for them. Not yet, the snow has turned. I find that the snow is different from the rain. The rain falls directly down, and it turns into water in the air, and the snow is slowly falling down, and it falls on the ground and turns into water. As the time goes on, the bell rings and we go back to the classroom.

  Today is my most happy day! I really hope it snows every winter!



  Today is my mother's birthday. I have prepared a present for her. Among the gifts are a picture that I drew, a Li and a Hu that the teacher awarded me, a snowflake building block and a green bright ball. The theme of the painting is a beautiful smiling face: a loving face, a pair of big eyes, long eyelashes, a round nose, a red mouth, and two crescent ears


  放鞭炮 Set off firecrackers

  In the morning, she heard scratching firecrackers outside the window, my father and I hurriedly put ten thousand loud firecrackers get out, I'm covering her ears time ran home. In the evening, my brother and a seaside together to put firecrackers "flying rats", "flying rats" firecrackers bundles of silver light, fly high, I think if they can fly to the moon! Finally, we put several "parachute", there was a bang, in the sky like a meteor shower, turned into pieces of beautiful all of us happy jumped up, set off firecrackers are busy looking good!


  今天,我帮 妈妈拖地,我拿着拖把湿的水,然后我把它拧干,就去拖地板,过了一会。

  Today, I helped my mother mop the floor. I took the wet water from the mop. Then I wrung it dry and went to mop the floor. After a while.


  The mop will be black, and I'll throw it away and wring it dry. I'll mop the floor clean after serious efforts like this. It's really a pleasure to do housework.



  Listen to the hot snow, a scene flashed in my mind: no one's street in the middle of the night, flying snow all over the sky, innocent and bright you.


  Guo Jingming has always been very fond of him. He has cool and gorgeous words. He can always describe a scene of desolation as a sad story. His delicate writing and appalling literary temperament once fascinated me. His cold and resolute style of writing has been fully expressed in "hot snow", the piece ending music of the small age.


  Forgive my ignorance, composer, Liu Dajiang, I have never heard of it. However, singing, Wei Chen, I know and like him very much. His voice is a bit sexy and a little sad, which can always cause the inner throb of girls. His image and temperament are like the grace of God, the face value against the sky, the voice of sexual sense, and the super working ability in Guo Jingming's works in a very small age. Listening to his voice, it's easy to calm down and feel the rare hot snow. Wei Chen sang conscientiously.



  Today, the school autumn tour!


  We all got up early We waited for a long time in the playground before we got on the bus. We started off with a beautiful and beautiful song! It's the water park in a flash. Get off! The students jumped and ran in.


  We spread the tablecloth and sat down. My classmates and I quickly took out snacks and enjoyed the charming scenery while eating. I looked at the beautiful scenery, as if I saw grass waving to us, willow branches waving their whip to say hello...


  After a while, we reluctantly left this beautiful and charming place!


  I have a nice folder, there are five cute little cat, four little and dainty kitten. The big one seems to be watching something. A cat seems to have opened a shop, is a fruit shop, there are three like three sisters stood in the same. When I was tired, it seemed to me: "come on."! Don't be beaten by the tired, I have the spirit." So I'm much better now!



  One spring morning, the teacher organized us to visit the west lake park for spring outing.

  As soon as I entered the gate of the west lake, I saw trees on both sides of the road, covered with green clothes. There are many flowers in the trees, red, white, purple and yellow. All kinds of flowers are colorful and beautiful!

  The west lake is so big that it can't see at a glance. The lake was deep, the water was clear and the wind blew, like the wrinkles on grandpa's face. There was a beautiful island in the middle of the lake, and many willows were planted around it, and the willow leaves were hanging in the wind, like mother's long hair. Several boats were floating on the lake.

  After finishing the snack and drinking water, the teacher took us to the west lake square. Only the square was very wide, and the square was paved with square stones. In the middle of the square there is a flower bed in full bloom.

  We began to fly a kite, a kite in the sky like an eagle, sometimes like a butterfly, some still left a long tail, some strange, how also could not call name, very fascinating!

  Unfortunately, my kite string is dead, and I can only watch others fly kites. Still, I like the spring outing.


  When someone disagrees with you or offends you, don’t lose your temper. Why? Because it is of no use to do so. You ought to (should) be patient and keep calm lest you

  should quarrel with him. You must know that patience is not cowardice, but a virtue. I hope that everybody practices it. In addition, patience will also bring us success. When you meet with difficulties in your work, it is no use losing heart. You must keep on fighting until (till) the final victory belongs to you. 当有人和你意见



  Honesty, as the name implies, is honesty and trustworthiness. If you promise others what to do, you should try to do it; when you find something lost by others, you should return it to the original owner, so that you can get the trust of others. One day I secretly took the Christmas gift - Diamond toys to school. When my classmates saw it, they all liked it. They wanted to ask me if I wanted it. At that time, I promised to give it to them tomorrow, but when I got home in the evening, I began to regret it, because there was only one diamond in each color and shape. If I gave them to my classmates, I would not have any. But later I thought of "promising others to do things", so the next day, I happily took the diamond toy to school again to share it with my classmates.


  Now the second grade mathematics class needs to use the triangle, sometimes careless students will drop them on the ground. Every time I see it, I will pick it up and ask the students around me if they dropped it and help the triangle board find the owner.


  I think honesty is more important than anything. Honesty and trustworthiness must start from me.


  Thursday July 19, this is the first day of my summer holiday. Hurray, no school, no homework and no waking up early! I shall play a lot of computer games, but first I can stay in bed a bit longer in the morning to start with. How I love summer holidays.

  Friday July 20, A nice hot day, and today is a very special day for our town. The Olympic Torch was passing us. But I had to wait until afternoon to see it. It was a long wait but well worth it. It was once in a lifetime experience.

  Saturday July 21, after a wonderful day yesterday, today was not quite so good. It rained and rained and rained for a whole day! We couldn’t walk to do our shopping like we usually do on Saturdays and my parents had to take our car. What a typical English weather!

  Sunday July22, the weather was back to normal, so were my mom and dad. They were back in action in our garden again. I went out to help feeding our fish in the pond as well, which I didn’t yesterday because of the non-stop rain. They must be very hungry. Sorry fish, I won’t do that again!

  Monday July 23, I really started to enjoy this long holiday today, went out with a few of my schoolmates. We went to town and had McDonald’s for our lunch. We later went to the beach. It was so free and relax. Tuesday July 24, my grandparents came to visit. They love us very much, and spoil us rotten, particularly to my little sister. They bought us some new clothes this time. I didn’t like the fashion of them but I thanked them anyway. And they are going to stay with us for a few days.

  Wednesday July 25, because my grandparents are here, I have to keep them company. We didn’t have breakfast at home this morning. Instead, we have to wait until noon, when they took us to the local Chinese Restaurant to have dim sum for lunch. That was delicious!

  Thursday July 26, the rain is back, but this time we have our grandparents with us. So it wasn’t quite as boring. In a way, it was kind of rather noisy with my sister playing around them, demanding things like a baby!

  Friday July 27, today is London Olympic 20xx Open Ceremony Day. Ever since I saw the Olympic Torch went pass our front door, I have been longing for this moment to come. But I am kind of disappointed, because it is kind of boring, and I didn’t seem to understand what the show was about?

  Saturday July 28, the first day of competition in the Olympic Games. The main event was the men’s cycling road race. Team GB had a couple of gold medal hopefuls in the race, but they did terribly, not even finished in any of the higher placings, the good news was our old country China had won the very first gold medal of the games.

  Sunday July 29, my grandparents were still here, we watch the Olympic Games together. They support China Of course, but there were plenty of other games on the TV, so we watched whatever was on. Dad was home because it’s Sunday and our whole family were watching together.

  Monday July 30, Team GB was doing better today, and they had won a silver medal in the women’s cycling road race. The rest of the competition was in full swing, and China won more gold medals. They are now top of the medal table.

  Tuesday July 31, my grandparents had been with us for over a week. They went home today. Both my sister and I will miss them until the next time they come to visit again. But my parents said to them that we shall go and visit them soon. So, won’t be long before we are going to see them again.

  Wednesday August 1, Team GB had won the first gold medal of the games! The women’s pair won in the rowing race. People in the UK were very excited. The TV was on about it all day, re-showing again and again. And for our old country, China, they just won one thing after another, racing ahead in the medal table!

  Thursday August 2, after yesterday’s success, Team GB follows up with more medals today. People in the UK were warming up towards these games, more and more are gluing themselves onto the TV screens. And the TV studio was showing how busy the Olympics Park was from time to time.

  Friday August 3, today I stayed away from the TV during the day for the first time and went out with my school friends again. We went to the park’s playing field and played a game of football. We also planned to go to the beach tomorrow.

  Saturday August 4, as planned my school friends and I met early in the morning and had our breakfast at the McDonald’s before we set off for the beach. It was not really a fine day but didn’t rain and no wind, so we enjoyed our day out reasonably well.

  Sunday August 5, after a couple of days away from the Olympic Games. I had found Team GB is now doing very well. They had since won a few more gold medals and now overtook the South Koreans lying third in the medal table, the UK population is going mad about it!

  Monday August 6, Team GB won more and more medals and many were gold ones. For that I am getting excited too. Also our old country, China were still well ahead of the Americans in the medal race, lying firmly on top of the table.

  Tuesday August 7, Team GB’s performance had become a phenomenon. The TV and media were now at boiling point, so are the UK public. I have never seen such great interest that had been directed to any kind of sports like this before, not even in the Worldcup football!

  Wednesday August 8, my sister was not well today. My mom took her to the doctor. The doctor said she had food poisoning. I don’t think there was anything with our food, because I had the same thing as her and had no problems. It was her eating thing without washing her hands, and like picking things up to eat with her hands!

  Thursday August 9, my Grandparents was here again today when they heard that my sister was not well. But they didn’t stay this time. They went home after seeing she had already recovered, asking us to visit them soon.

  Friday August 10, I went out with my schoolmates again today. But we had no plans, so just hang out in the playing field messing about. We all went home early but agreed to go fishing on Sunday. And everyone must bring their own food.

  Saturday August 11, for the first time I didn’t go shopping with my parents on a Saturday. I stayed at home playing computer games, watching TV and saw Team GB won more gold medals. This time they even manage to beat our old country, China’s competitors both in women’s boxing and women’s Taekundo.

  Sunday August 12, I went fishing with school friends as planned two days ago. None of us caught a thing. What a waste of time! I came home in time to watch the Olympic Games Closing Ceremony. Again, I didn’t even enjoy a bit!

  Monday August 13, The Olympic Games had finished. We have to wait for 4 more years until the next one in Brazil. Team GB was doing un-expectedly well. But for our old country, China, after a brilliant start, they tailed off horribly, overtook by the Americans in the last three days, what a pity!

  Sunday August 19, my parents took us to visit my Grandparents today before our summer holiday is over. They left us to stay for one week and my dad has to work, so that went home after lunch. My sister and I will be with my Grandparents for the week.

  Monday August 27, my sister and I came home from my Grandparents yesterday. We had a good time with them. once again they spoiled us rotten, taking us all over the place and cooked us so much yummy meals. I think I had put on a bit of weight!

  Tuesday August 28, we don’t know why, my dad and I thought today is the Open Ceremony of the Paralympics. After our evening meal, we sat in front of our TV and were waiting for it to come on. But had got the wrong date. It is going to be tomorrow!

  Wednesday August 29, so this time it was right, the Open Ceremony really did take place. I watch most of it. Same again, it wasn’t what I would have expected, but it was OK, better than the last one a bit. So tomorrow I shall have more Olympics’ actions to watch again!



  Today, I went to eat with my parents to make turtle noodles. I found a lot of delicious dishes. I ordered salt baked blue and white fish, pork cartilage and black winter noodles, banana candy pudding, and Geely pork chop. I put two plates in the whole. I couldn't get them. I paid the bill. The cashier gave me a desk calendar. I thought it was an ordinary desk calendar, so I put it aside , eating noodles.


  When I got home, I took out the desk calendar to see what it looked like? I found a half price ticket on every page of the calendar. You can buy the food printed on the ticket with half price with this ticket! For example, my favorite pig cartilage noodles, hehe! I quickly hid my desk calendar and looked forward to 20xx. In this way, I can eat half price turtle noodles every month. So happy!



  Today is Monday. My mother and I are going to teach piano at teacher Gao's home. The teacher bought two 4 today. 4 piano, let mother pick a piano. Let me have a new piano, let me practice it well.


  Every time we have to play the empty string in class, so we have to pull the empty string today. When we finish playing the empty string, we will pull the scale. The music we are going to learn today is a happy dance.


  If I want to change my piano, I will study it well and try to pass the third grade. In the future, I will practice the piano every day, the empty finger practice and the scale every day.